Sh V.V.S.R.Krishna
Assistant Director (Software)
Sh. V.V.S.R. Krishna graduated in Commerce and has also completed PGDCA from IGNOU. He joined IGNOU as CO-1 (Computer Operator, Grade-1) on 16-08-1991 at IGNOU Regional Centre, Jaipur. In 1997, he was transferred to IGNOU Regional Centre, Pune. On transfer from IGNOU Regional Centre, Pune, he joined IGNOU Regional Centre, Vijayawada as DPA (Data Processing Assistant) in September, 2008. Subsequently, he has been promoted as Assistant Director (Software) w.e.f 23.11.2016. Among his several responsibilities, he is primarily responsible for the maintenance of the database of all the learners admitted/registered into IGNOU programmes, database of Academic Counsellors, Student Support Services (Transfer of the records), and to liaison with material distribution unit for providing the data of the students admitted to various programmes and online examinations of IGNOU at RC, Vijayawada.
1st Floor,
SKPVV Hindu High School Premises,
Vijayawada - 520001..
Fax - 0866 - 2565353
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